
How To Drink Bourbon in the Morning and Not Be a Sot

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Do you love bourbon? I mean love it? Like want to drink it in the morning?

But, you don't exactly want to be one of those washed up "Mad Men" that drinks all day and gets absolutely nothing done.

Well. Good news. I have the perfect solution.

Thanks to my friends - yes they are my friends. Hell they sent me free coffee and no bourbonmaker has ever done that, even though I have a blog dedicated to the sweetest elixir on the planet.

So guess what? I am going to give these guys a lot of love.

First, because their coffee (aged in bourbon barrels) actually has the bourbon flavor and secondly because they sent it to me for free.

Copper's Cask Tastes Like Bourbon

I love coffee and I love bourbon, but I am not a snob about either. I like Pappy, not because it is cool, hip, expensive, hard to get, etc. I like it because I have tasted it and it is damn good.

Now I am not one to break down every nuance of bourbon --- or coffee. But I know what I like in both --- strong, straight and "bourbony."

Now "bourbony" is not really a word, but when it comes to coffee if it tastes like bourbon that's a good thing.

And Cooper's Cask "smooth whiskey barrel finished & roasted in New England" tastes like coffee infused with that good brown liquid we all love, but...you will not be called a sot by your co-workers for getting started so early.

What's a Sot?

A sot is quite frankly, a habitual drunkard.

But you can get that good ole taste of bourbon in the morning without the sot effect.

Cooper's had this to say about their coffee and it may be true. But me --- naw, I am not that detailed to pick up all these subtleties, but for those who do here is the official statement from Copper's on the coffee -- "earthy wood, fresh tobacco, with a hint of tropical fruits like dried Papaya."

Can't really comment on this.

But this much is true: "the body is full and heavy with a very long finish of the whiskey." True that or Dat if you're from New Orleans.

Bold and Full Whiskey Flavor

Last, but not least --- and most importantly, "the whiskey is a single malt stout mash aged in charred 10 gallon oak barrels."

And to be honest, that's all that matters.

"Earthy wood" --- who cares?

"Fresh tobacco" -- ok, maybe.

"A hint of tropical fruit, like dried Papaya" --- not sure what the hell that even means.


"The body is full and heavy with a very long finish of the whiskey" --- yeah, I get this and agree,

Bottom line: It was good coffee. It tasted like Bourbon and it didn't make me feel like a sot.

So, thumbs up. Recommend.

Go to Copper's Cask and buy you some Bourbon Coffee that doesn't make you feel like a SOT!

(I did not get paid for this review, but I did get some free coffee.)