
Pappy Van Winkle Stories and Rivalry Weekend – Bourbon Dispatches, Issue 3


Well if your team lost Saturday (which mine did) all you can do is grill a nice juicy steak and drink some Bourbon. Me, I usually drink the cheap stuff (under $25) when I watch football.

Don't really like the beer thing. Just feel bloated. So today I was out of Buffalo Trace so I bought me some Evan Williams Black, put it on ice and felt sorry for myself. Why? We hired the guy that was supposed to be the next Saban and instead (so far) he looks like Goff.

Maybe he is just green (inexperienced) or maybe he is one of those wunderkinds who is a great Assistant but never pans out as a HC.

Anyway that brings me to Pappy Van Winkle, the Nick Saban of Bourbons. And maybe Urban Myer who is just a notch below. After that, Harbaugh, Sweeney and ... who the hell knows?

Tom Herman is the flavor of the year. And speaking of that why so many many flavored Bourbons? If you don't like Bourbon straight up --- just drink Vodka.

Anyway, after the rivalry week beat down I traipsed over to the local watering hole bought a new bottle and grilled a steak. What the hell else can you do when your OC calls a pass on 2nd and 8 (and the QB throws an int) when all you need is to run the clock down? (After a time out no less.)

So here is the question: Have you found any Pappy yet?

If so shoot us your story.

If not, we will be auctioning a 20 year this week. (Look if you do not want to know about auctions just let us know and we will take you off that list. Shoot me an email at chris@pursuitofpappy.com). If you do, go here to learn how you can participate. Next one: PVW 20 Year - starting Bid $999.

If you just want to get a bottle at retail enter one of the auctions, contests, or raffles. This is a Pappy Club page but for the next 24 hours you can access it.

Enjoy the Chase! Cheers!

Here are a few cool stories about PVW if you like to read:

Penn State is going to the Big 10 Championship and Penn's Getting Pappy

Like a Little Smoke With Your Pappy? Try These.

My Black Friday Bourbon Booklist (ok shameless plug, but show me some love.)

Oh yeah the Pappy List has been updated so check it out!
